The Church of Saint John the Evangelist
Barrytown, New York
I. Preface
II. Parish Profile and History
III. Mid-Hudson Valley Community Profile
IV. Profile of Priest-in-Charge
Addenda: Voyle Survey Results
2014 ExecutiveInsite Report
I. Preface
The Church of St. John the Evangelist enjoys many blessings. We have been led by a gifted and dynamic priest for almost 30 years. He is a renowned scholar who is inspiring in his ability to help us understand Scripture and its spiritual relevance to current times and our own lives. His scripturally-based sermons give us a keen analysis of the text itself and its meaning in the context of the Old and New Testaments
We cherish our close relationship with Bard College, one of the finest liberal arts colleges in the country. Bard was originally founded in 1860 as St. Stephen’s College, an Episcopal seminary and seat of learning. Our Church came out of St. Stephen’s and was established in 1874. Our relationship with Bard has been enriching and made it possible for us to attract a priest grounded in scholarship as well as theology. For the past 28 years, the congregation has enjoyed a level of religious instruction at the highest level.
St. John’s is located just above the eastern bank of New York’s Hudson River, with views over fields to the Catskill Mountains. As an integral part of the Mid-Hudson River Valley, St. John’s is surrounded by history. We are blessed with unparalleled natural beauty, a major world city just 100 miles south, and a diverse and gifted community of people from the small towns along the River, as well as weekend and summer residents.
We look forward to welcoming a new leader to St. John’s.
We have prepared the following information to share personal information and attitudes about St. John’s, our direction and our hopes. It reflects our own personal responses to the Voyle Survey recommended by the New York Diocese. The Addenda include a copy of survey results.
Do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. Micah 6:8
- Parish Profile and History
The people of St. John’s are a warm, welcoming group of devoted believers with a deep commitment to worship. We cherish our liturgy, our church and its beautiful grounds, and each other. We have long been an eclectic and engaged congregation. Membership is composed primarily of Episcopalians, a few former Catholics, a meaningful number of main line Protestants and a few other denominations. Many parishioners’ families have attended St. John’s for over 25 years, some for as many as 60 or more years.
We are a community of well-educated, energetic people. Our congregation includes professionals, retired people, students, businessmen and -women, master gardeners, teachers, and clerical workers. St. John’s is enriched by its unusual level of talent and creativity. We number among us professional and gifted artists, designers, craftspeople, writers, musicians, singers, and actors.
While we range in age from the very young to the very old, most of us are white, middle-class and middle-aged to elderly. And although most live within 10 miles of St. John’s, some members travel here from across the Hudson River, and from as far away as Albany, over 50 miles north.
We are proud to have encouraged our Curate, the Reverend Virginia Grab, years ago when she pursued her call to the priesthood. As primary supply clergyperson and frequent co-officiating priest, she is a beloved spiritual mainstay at St. John’s. We are currently supporting one of our Eucharistic Lay Ministers, Eleanor Prior, in her path toward the priesthood.
We welcome all who wish to worship with us, regardless of race, culture, tradition, age, or sexual orientation. And although we are a small congregation, we are eager to grow in numbers and in community involvement. We host AA groups, Scouts, and a local children’s theatre group in Aspinwall Hall, our fellowship hall attached to the church building. We have a hard-working group of volunteers.
We worship together, work together, and enjoy each others’ company at the Sunday coffee hour, at an annual summer barbecue, a special St. Patrick’s corned beef and cabbage lunch, the Annual General Meeting lunch, our Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, gardening with children from the Sunday School, and the Election Day clam chowder event organized by the Women of St. John’s. This last event is created totally from member contributions and by volunteer workers, and all proceeds are given to local charities. Bard’s Institute of Advanced Theology has held its autumn and spring lecture series at St. John’s, and parishioners provided lunch. Fellowship is an important and meaningful aspect of our life here, one which we are seeking to increase even more.
As a parishioner recently said, “The congregation is invited to be as involved with the life of the church as they want to be, with no sanctimoniousness or emotional blackmail.”
Here are some facts and figures about St. John’s:
We currently have a sustaining membership of approximately 40 families and individuals who regularly support the church’s operations. Approximately 30 to 35 individuals, on average, attend the Sunday morning service. There are some additional supporters of the church who do not attend regularly but who make financial contributions. The average age of the congregation is well above the average age of people in the surrounding community.
During the past few years much-delayed maintenance and repairs — most notably the complete replacement of the roof on all our buildings — have been undertaken. In addition, historic renovation has been undertaken in the placement of stained glass windows, the sheathing of the steeple, and the decoration of the sanctuary. Special grants from the Diocese, family foundations, bequests, and generous individuals have enabled us to raise more than $100,000 towards such projects.
Of this, $30,000 remains and has been designated for the historic renovation of our fellowship hall. St. John’s may have to make additional investments to conserve energy use in the Rectory and to repair and upgrade its apartments. Energy conservation expenditure is expected to reduce future heating costs.
Another parishioner frequently reminds us of the words of Arthur Ashe: “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”
At St. John’s, we carefully preserve the Liturgy and the Book of Common Prayer. We place prime importance on, and are thankful for, thoughtful and intelligent sermons.
The Holy Eucharist is celebrated on odd Sundays, with Rite II on the first Sunday of the month and Rite I otherwise, and Morning Prayer on even Sundays. We use the 1940 Hymnal ordinarily, and the 1982 Hymnal on the fourth Sunday of the month. A prayer and healing service, with oil and sacrament, is held each Wednesday at noon. Lenten services are held on Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. We host one of the ecumenical Weekly Lenten Services, coordinated with the Red Hook Ministerium, an Ecumenical Organization. There are two Christmas Eve services.
Although we no longer have a regular choir, a small number of parishioners serve as a choir at Christmas Eve and Easter services. Many congregants have expressed a desire for an enhanced music program. Our Organist has served for 58 years, quite possibly a record. He was recently honored with a NYS Senate Proclamation for his years of service as both Organist and President of Trustees, and for his unstinting work in maintaining our buildings.
Christian Education
St. John’s Sunday morning church school has eight children divided into upper and lower colleges. They meet during the 10 A.M. service from autumn to summer. A small dedicated group of parishioners and one of our Eucharistic Lay Ministers have kept the Sunday School going as we face challenges from soccer practice and other competing activities. We hope that more young families will join the congregation, and that our Sunday School will grow. Towards that end, we have recruited two young mothers to join the rota of teachers.
The annual Nativity Pageant given by the Sunday School is happily anticipated each Christmastime. Held in the church proper, it includes readings, music, props, and innovative hand-made costumes. Congregants receive programs and join in the singing.
An annual Catechism Class prepares adults and children for confirmation in the Church, and for adults affirming their beliefs.
St. John’s maintains good relationships with local schools, charities, and other churches in our area. In past years, we have shared a Lenten Discussion Series with other churches and hosted lectures and lunches of the Institute of Advanced Theology. Members of the congregation participate in the NY Diocese Carpenter Kids program.
Gross proceeds of our annual Election Night Clam Chowder Dinner are given to local charities. Funds are raised at an annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner. Two AA groups and a Girl Scout troop meet in Aspinwall Hall every week. The Cocoon Children’s Theatre rehearses in Aspinwall Hall; the Hall has also been used by local amateur theatre groups for rehearsals and performances.
This year St. John’s participated in the continuing INDABA project* with two other churches in the New York Diocese. Members and clergy from the Cathedral of St. John the Divine and St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Spring Valley visited here recently for INDABA discussions and fellowship. They were housed in the homes of parishioners, hosted at a dinner, and attended a Sunday service of Holy Eucharist. Members of our church visited them in turn.
*INDABA is a Zulu word for discernment through consensus which is common in many African cultures, with parallels in other societies. It is based on meetings of chiefs or village leaders who gather for purposeful discussion. The Continuing Indaba is a project that began at the 2008 Lambeth Conference of the Anglican Communion.
Lay Ministry
St. John’s has three Eucharistic Lay Ministers who participate in Sunday services with readings and intercessory prayer. They and the sons of our Rector and Organist also serve as Acolytes. The Eucharistic Lay Ministers are available to help spiritually sustain the congregation; two are trained spiritual directors, as is the Reverend Virginia Grab.
Our number of Sacristans recently increased to 15. They maintain the Sacristy and the Altar with loving care on a shared rota. One Sacristan, a particularly talented seamstress, mends and maintains our linens; another devotes herself to careful ironing. One of our Eucharistic Lay Ministers makes the beeswax candles which burn so brightly in our church and last much longer than ordinary store-bought candles.
The Women of St. John’s is a loosely-knit group that comes together periodically around specific church activities designed to help local charities and reach out to the community.
In the past we had a church newsletter, The Evangelist, which was distributed by mail, in church, and on our website. We are currently reviewing various new means of communication within the parish and the local community, including re-instituting The Evangelist by Email and on our website, using social media and re-instituting a Sunday Greeter Program. .
We have talented gardeners in the parish and a small active gardening program led by one parishioner. New plantings, trees, and a flower garden installed with the help of our Sunday School children have enriched our beautiful church grounds in recent years. Our volunteer gardeners have added plantings and seating for reflection and conversation to the small courtyard at the center of the building complex. The church cemetery is carefully maintained.
Buildings and Grounds
Three separate buildings were joined together in 1926 to create our current church complex. In addition to the church proper, there is a welcoming and meeting space, Breck Hall, which was moved from its original location down the road. Aspinwall Hall, the third building, was originally St. Peter’s Chapel in Red Hook.
Today’s Church of St. John the Evangelist is a unique conglomeration of spiritual space. Aspinwall Hall serves as our parish hall, and has a large, fully-equipped kitchen. It adjoins the Church office, the Sacristy, a small bathroom, We are proud of the warm, welcoming ambiance of St. John’s.
Our beautifully-melded complex is a picturesque Carpenter Gothic church with many lovely stained glass windows representative of several eras and styles. They bring light and color into the church proper and the two Halls. Recently, the windows have been lovingly restored and the ceiling of the apse painted its original deep blue color overlaid with gold leaf stars. Under each star, invisible to the eye, is the name of a person buried in our serene church cemetery, which surrounds the church on two sides.
The church organ and rood screen were installed in 1934, in honor of our 60th anniversary. The light behind the main cross over the altar has been lit 24 hours a day, every day, for at least 58 years. According to our organist, the filament has never burned out.
We work hard to preserve the beauty of St. John’s. In the last few years, the stained glass windows, the steeple and the roof have been repaired and central air conditioning has been installed. The organ is professionally maintained and repaired. Budget permitting, Aspinwall Hall will soon be renovated and updated. The Rectory is also Carpenter Gothic and has served as an income-producing apartment building since the 1950’s.
The cost of maintenance, renovation and capital improvements is a challenge to our financial stability. Grants from the Diocese and dedicated gifts have helped us meet these expenses.
In 1857, John Bard erected the Chapel of the Holy Innocents on his property in Annandale. In 1860, he donated the land and the Chapel, and he and John L.Aspinwall, both wealthy local landowners, provided funds to establish St. Stephen’s College (later Bard College) as a theological seminary.
In 1864, Walter Delafield (then a St. Stephen’s student) organized St. Peter’s Brotherhood, a missionary society comprised of students and a Warden, to provide for the pastoral needs of less wealthy members of the local community. John Aspinwall took an interest in the Brotherhood and became a supporter.
In 1870, the Brotherhood opened a chapel three miles south of the college to hold services, meet with local people and teach their children. That same year, they erected another chapel, St. Peter’s Mission, in Red Hook. After John Aspinwall’s death, his wife, Jane Moore Breck Aspinwall, decided to erect a church in his memory.
The Free Church of St. John the Evangelist was an outgrowth of the work of St. Peter’s Brotherhood as supported by the Aspinwalls. It was designed and named Free Church because, unlike most Episcopal churches at that time, it did not require pew rent. In 1874, the cornerstone of St. John’s, the new church designed by architect William Potter, was laid, and later that year, on October 4, 1874, the church was consecrated.
Services and pastoral care were provided by the clergy professors of St. Stephen’s (Bard). When St. John’s became an independent parish in 1874, the priest no longer served as a professor at St. Stephen’s.
In 1926, the Brotherhood’s two chapels (now called Aspinwall Hall and Breck Hall) were moved from their original locations nearby to form a single building, which is now the church complex. The Aspinwalls and another local family, the Wagners, continued to provide core financial support for the church until the 1950’s, making it possible for it to continue with a full-time rector. Like other wealthy families of that time, they believed in providing support and care to the less fortunate.
In the years during and after the end of World War II, their support dwindled and St. John’s was no longer financially able to support a full-time rector. Between 1949 and 1970 our rectors had to divide their time among St. John’s and two or more other parishes. Eventually the rectory was split into rental apartments to provide income, and now Bard provides housing for the shared position.
In 1970 the Reverend Frederick Shafer became the first to hold the dual position of St. John’s Rector and Bard College Professor of Religion. In 1987, the Reverend Bruce Chilton became our Rector, the Bernard Iddings Bell Professor of Religion at Bard, and also the Chaplain of the College. He founded and is the Executive Director of the Institute of Advanced Theology at Bard.
The unique combination of the positions of priest of St. John’s and Chaplain of Bard College has enabled St. John’s to continue to be our spiritual home.
I. Mid-Hudson Valley Community Profile
Many books have been published about the magnificent Hudson River Valley. Its scenic beauty, its unique history from the birth of the American Revolution and thereafter, and its many cultural and other attractions draw thousands of visitors each year.
The Mid-Hudson Valley is home to a number of small towns along the River and many magnificent estates and gardens. It remains scenic and lovely, without the encroachment of cityscapes and the hustle and bustle of city life. For that, we need only travel south to New York City, as many local residents do. The City’s world-class theatre, music, art, sports, and specialist education, its business and wealth management activities, and its multi-ethnic diversity entice visitors from around the world. But when they want bucolic restfulness and beauty, enriched with outstanding culture and art, they find it right here.
History, Culture & Sports
It would take hundreds of pages to list the many historic and cultural attractions of our area, but here are just a few:
– Franklin Delano Roosevelt National Historic Site, FDR Presidential Library and Museum, and Eleanor Roosevelt’s Val-Kill
– Clermont Historic Site, ancestral home of Robert R. Livingston, negotiator of the Louisiana Purchase and supporter of Fulton’s Steamboat, which was first launched here. His descendents are members of St. John’s.
– Olana State Historic site, the home of Frederic Church, famous Hudson River School artist, with 250 acres to explore and an ongoing program of ecological and cultural events
– Montgomery Place, just down the road between St. John’s and Bard, with 434 acres of woods and gardens, nature trails, and an orchard that supplies a popular road stand on nearby Route 9-G
– Richard B. Fisher Center for the Performing Arts, designed by renowned architect Frank O. Gehry, an internationally distinguished performing arts center housing two theatres presenting music, opera, drama and dance. Many of our singing parishioners perform with the Bard Community Chorus led by James Bagwell, the northeast’s top choral conductor and a professor at the college.
– Art galleries in the neighboring towns of Red Hook and Tivoli and just north of us in Hudson, which is well known as a gallery and antiques center
– Antiques centers and shops throughout the area, including in Red Hook
– Rhinebeck Performing Arts Center, offering dramas, musicals, and children’s theatre
– Upstate Films in Rhinebeck offering quality art and other films, including those not shown at multi-plex cinemas. Membership is offered for special events and services.
– Large multi-plex movie theatres in Red Hook, Kingston, and Hudson.
– Public libraries in Tivoli, Rhinebeck, Germantown, and Red Hook, which was just named the best small library in the state.
Sports enthusiasts enjoy the following:
– Lake Taghanic State Park, 1,595 acres with a 172-acre lake. Row boat and paddle-boat rentals, two beaches, cottage rentals in summer, and bow-hunting deer in season
– Winter skiing across the Hudson at Hunter Mountain, Windham, and slightly north at Catamount Mountain on this side of the River.
– Ice-boating on the River, a favorite sport of FDR’s as a child
– A wide range of high school sporting events
– A number of tennis clubs and public tennis courts at Bard
– Golf at the Red Hook Golf Course and others in the area
– Hiking trails at Clermont Historic Site which become cross-country ski trails in winter
– Hiking in the Catskills across the Hudson, east of us in the Berkshires, and throughout the local region
– Tubing down the Esopus Creek, just outside Kingston, another historic city in our Mid-Hudson Valley neighborhood.
– Cycling all over the area, including on Annandale Road, passing through Bard and past St. John’s.
– Motor boating and sailing on the Hudson River
– Horseback riding, including instruction and shows
Health Care
A number of fine hospitals, medical and holistic practitioners, and medical groups are available in the area. The closest hospital is Northern Duchess Hospital in Rhinebeck. It is highly respected for its excellent Emergency Room, the quality of its affiliated doctors, specialists and surgeons, and its birthing center. The hospital is administered by the Quest Medical organization. It is currently enlarging its physical plant for the second time in the last ten years.
Vassar Brothers and St. Francis Hospitals in Poughkeepsie, about an hour’s drive south of us, are also respected. Vassar Brothers is well known for its cardiac care. There are other good hospitals across the River in Kingston, and fine teaching hospitals are located in Albany, 50 miles north, and Boston.
The Mid-Hudson Medical Group in Rhinebeck and other Hudson Valley locations is composed of top general medicine practitioners and many specialists. It offers walk-in service, an alternative to ER services.
Cancer Centers and Wellness Centers for fitness, rehabilitation and occupational medicine are available at local hospitals and medical groups. Northern Duchess Hospital and the IFX Fitness Center in Rhinebeck offer excellent rehabilitation and physical therapy services. There are a number of assisted living and nursing home options in the local area, such as Red Hook Commons and the Baptist Nursing Home in Rhinebeck.
Transportation Services
The area has excellent train transportation, with an AMTRAK station in Rhinecliff, just west of Rhinebeck on the Hudson River, and a Metro North Station in Poughkeepsie, 30 minutes’ drive south. There is a Greyhound Bus station in Kingston, for travel to New York City and connections countrywide. Bard operates a local shuttle bus for students to access surrounding towns. Long-distance auto travel is easy, with nearby access to the Taconic Parkway and the NYS Thruway. Route 9 follows the route of the original Albany-Post Road, offering scenic drives as well as convenience.
Good elementary and public high schools are located in Rhinebeck, Germantown and Red Hook, which is particularly high-rated. Poughkeepsie Day School and the Oakwood School in Poughkeepsie, the Duchess Day School and the Millbrook School in Millbrook, and the Emma Willard School in Troy are highly rated private schools, as are the Albany Academy boys’ and girls’ schools.
Columbia-Greene Community College in Hudson, Ulster Community College in Stone Ridge and Duchess Community College in Poughkeepsie are accredited 2-year colleges. In addition to Bard, Vassar College is located in Poughkeepsie, and Marist College and the Culinary Institute of America are located in Hyde Park. Vassar and Bard share some programs, including in voice-training.
Profile of Priest-in-Charge
The following attributes that we are seeking in a new priest are drawn from ongoing discussions among parishioners and from Voyle Survey responses. Although we believe the sample size of the survey responses reflects congregants’ thoughts and opinions, there will inevitably be some nuances and visions for St. John’s future which were not expressed. We believe the following captures the main wishes of the congregation.
The congregation of St. John’s seeks a priest with tangible spiritual beliefs grounded in sound theological study and devotion to the care of others.
We wish for, in order, a preacher, a theologian, a pastor, and a teacher. We prefer sermons which are Biblical/lectionary-based and are personal and applicable to daily life. We care very much about what happens on Sunday morning and at our other services.
We look for our priest to support the social and theological policies of the Diocese, and to take action on social and public issues. We look for a person who is skillful and kind in working well with others within the parish and the community.
We want our priest to help us make newcomers welcome, and to join in enthusiastically with church events.
We seek a priest skilled in crisis ministry and pastoral care, with a warm heart and passion for helping others.
We seek a priest who will promote open communication at St. John’s, for its parishioners and its administration.
We will want the help of the priest as we create and implement plans to grow the congregation and to increase cooperation and new relationships in the local community.
We seek a dynamic new leader who will join us in our devotion to St. John’s and the community.
Church Profile Survey Tabulation Results
March 10, 2015
Section I –Personal Demographics
Note: Some questions were not answered on all surveys. Thirty survey responses were tabulated.
20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-Plus
0 0 0 7 7 15
Male Female
6 22
White Asian Black Hispanic Other
Marital Status:
Single/Never Married 0 Single/Living with Partner 0
Married 17 Separated 1 Divorced 8 Widowed 1 Divorced/Remarried 1
Number in Household:
One Two Three Four Five Six or More
7 11 4 5 1
Number of Wage Earners:
One Two Three Four Five Six or More None
14 9 2 14
Level of Education:
H.S. Grad. Some Coll. Bachelor Degree Grad.Degree
(All) 4 6 19
Unskilled Workers ………………………………….0
Semi-skilled Workers ….………………………………0
Clerical & Sales Workers ……………………..1
Skilled workers/Craftspeople ………………………0
Technicians/para-Professionals ……….…………….2
Administrative/Other Professionals………………..4
Business Managers, Proprietor ………………..……3
Higher Executives/Proprietors ………….…………9
Artists, Writers, Musicians ……………….…….7
Total Annual
Household Income:
$0-25k $25-50k $50-75k $75-100k
9 9 3
$100-150k $150-200k $200-250k $250k and over
3 2 2 1
Prior Church Involvement:
Episcopal/moved to area …………………………………………….10
Episcopal/moved from neighboring parish ……………………..4
Roman Catholic …………………………………………………………..1
Orthodox ………………………………………………….…………………..0
Main-line Protestant (Lutheran/Methodist/Presbyterian)……….7
Main-line Evangelical (Baptist/Congregationalist) ………..1
Pentecostal Charismatic (Four Sq./Vineyard) …………….……….0
Sect (Mormon/Jehovah’s Witnesses/Seventh Day Adventist)…..0
Non-Christian(Buddhist/Moslem/Jewish) ………………………1
None ……………………………………………………………………………………1
Church Profile Survey Tabulation Results
March 10, 2015
Section 2 –Relationship to the Parish, Personal Devotion & Stewardship
Note: Some questions were not answered on all surveys. Thirty survey responses were tabulated.
Years Attended St. John’s:
1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 25 Plus
1 6 9 3 3 9
Travel Distance in Miles:
1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 25 Plus
10 11 3 2 — 1
Initial Draw to Parish: Friend = 4, Style of Worship = 5, The Priest = 17, Sunday School = 1, Sermons = 1, Fellowship = 10
Why Stay at Parish: Friend = 1, Style of Worship = 7, The Priest = 12, Closest Church = 2, Sermons = 6, Fellowship = 1
Church Involvement:
Attend Services once a month or less ……………………………3
Attend Services almost every Sunday ……………………………9
Attend Services almost every Sunday and
other functions …………………………………………………….2
Attend Services, other functions, and
serve on a program …………………………..…………..7
Attend services, other functions, and
serve on several programs ………………………..…6
Partner Involvement:
Spouse not involved in any church ……………….………….4
Spouse attends another church ………………………………………..0
Spouse attends here but is less
involved than I am …………………………..………….10
Spouse is as involved as I am ………………………………………..1
Spouse is more involved than I am ……………….………….5
Study Group Attendance:
Yes No
7 19
Private Prayer in Last Year:
Daily Once/Week Once/Month Few Times Never
19 5 0 4 2
Private Bible Reading in Last Year:
Daily Once/Week Once/Month Few Times Never
5 7 2 6 9
Hours given to church/week:
0-3 3-5 5 -10 10 plus
20 3 0 2
Hours given to charities/week:
0-3 3-5 5 -10 10 plus
22 1 1 2
Percentage of income to church:
0-5% 5-10% 10-15% 15% plus
12 7 4
Percentage of income to charity:
0-5% 5-10% 10-15% 15% plus
14 7 1
Section 4: Highlights by Church Activity Category
In section 4 of the survey, respondents were asked to assess their satisfaction with components of 13 church activities. The 13 church activities include: Sunday Service, Preaching, Sunday Liturgy, Fellowship, Christian Education, Pastoral Care, Parish Administration, Outreach, Outreach to Special Age Groups, Spiritual Development, Evangelism, Relationships with Other Organizations, Stewardship. Each of the 13 activities contain 5 detailed components or aspects of that church activity. Expressing satisfaction with the detailed component of the activity is done using a 1 to 5 scale, with 1=not satisfied, 2=barely satisfied, 3=somewhat satisfied, 4=very satisfied, 5=extremely satisfied. In addition to expressing satisfaction, the respondents were also asked to rank the detailed components from 1 to 5 within that church activity, in this case 1 represents the most important component in that category and 5 being the least important in that category.
The following is a summary of highlights of the satisfaction and ranking of components in the 13 church activities. This is not a complete tabulation of the data, but rather a listing of the components that had tabulations that stood out numerically. It should be noted that respondents were inconsistent with their responses in that they did not answer all questions. Total number of responses for individual components is noted as the denominator of the ratio that starts each bullet pointed highlight. Components that had a wide spread of responses and ranking were not noted in the highlights.
- Sunday Service
- 19/23 respondents were very or extremely satisfied with the” liturgical style of the service”
- 18/23 respondents were very or extremely satisfied with” involving laity in various liturgical ministries”
- 20/23 respondents were very or extremely satisfied with the “preaching”
- 12/23 respondents were somewhat satisfied with “involving and including children”
- 14/20 respondents ranked the “preaching” as (1) the highest importance
- 8/19 respondents ranked the” music”, (2) the second most important
- 10/19 respondents ranked “involving children” as (5) the least important
- Preaching
- 17/26 respondents were very or extremely satisfied that sermons are “personal and applicable to daily life”
- 21/21 respondents were very or extremely satisfied that” sermons are biblical/lectionary based”
- 8/15 respondents were extremely satisfied that “sermons are evangelistic”
- 10/21 respondents were very satisfied that “sermons are on social and political issues”
- 10/21 respondents ranked “ sermons that are personal and applicable to daily life” as (2) second in importance.
- 12/19 respondents ranked “biblical/lectionary based sermons” as (1) highest importance
- 8/18 respondents ranked “evangelistic sermons” as (5) lowest importance
- 11/18 respondents ranked “sermons social & political issues” as (3) or middle level importance
- 10/17 respondents ranked “children’s sermons” as (4) lower level importance
- Sunday Liturgy
- 20/23 respondents are very or extremely satisfied with Traditional Rite I Eucharist
- 16/23 respondents are very or extremely satisfied with Contemporary Rite II Eucharist
- 11/20 respondents are extremely satisfied with morning or evening prayer
- 9/19 respondents ranked Traditional Rite I Eucharist as (1) Highest Importance
- 8/19 respondents ranked Traditional Rite I Eucharist as (2) Second in importance
- Fellowship
- 10/26 respondents were very satisfied with newcomers are made welcome by the parishioners
- 8/23 respondents were somewhat satisfied that parish groups sponsor a variety o social activities
- 20/24 respondents were very or extremely satisfied that coffee & fellowship is scheduled after the services
- 18/24 respondents were very or extremely satisfied that the rector attends fellowship activities
- 9/16 respondents ranked newcomers are made to feel welcome by parishioners as (1) Highest Importance
- 8/15 respondents ranked coffee & fellowship is scheduled after the services as (2) second highest importance
- Christian Education
Nothing highlighted under Satisfaction
- 16/20 respondents ranked Sunday School is provided for children as (1) highest importance
- 8/17 respondents ranked Sunday School for all ages, including adults
- 8/17 respondents ranked Adult forums are provided to discuss social/political issues as (3) of middle importance.
- Pastoral Care
- 8/19 respondents were somewhat satisfied that parishioners are visited in their homes by the clergy
- 13/21 ranked the clergy is available for crisis ministry as (1) Highest importance
- Parish Administration
- 9/20 respondents are somewhat satisfied that the affairs of the Church are handled in a businesslike manner
- 9/21 respondents are somewhat satisfied that the rector and Congregation maintain open communication
- 10/19 respondents ranked the parish engage in a mutual ministry review each year as (5) the lowest importance
- 11/21 respondents ranked the rector and Congregation maintain open communication as (1) the highest importance
- Outreach
- 9/20 are very satisfied “the parish facilities are used extensively by outside groups”
- 8/17 are very satisfied “the parish provides aid for international relief
- 14/19 respondents ranked “The parish facilities are used extensively by outside groups” as (1) Highest Importance
- 14/19 respondents ranked “Food programs for the poor” as (2) second in importance
- 9/16 respondents ranked “Training programs for the homeless and unemployed” as (5) lowest in importance
- 10/17 respondents ranked “The parish provides aid for national programs” as (4) or second lowest in importance
- Outreach to Special Age Groups
- 8/16 respondents not satisfied with outreach to “High School aged teenagers”
- 8/16 respondents ranked “Elementary and junior high school children” as (1) highest importance
- Spiritual Development
- 7/16 respondents are extremely satisfied with “individual spiritual direction”
- 10/12 respondents ranked “Cursillo or Faith Alive type programs as (5) least important
- Evangelism
There were no highlighted items in this category
- 14/15 respondents ranked “New Members are instructed and incorporated into the church” at (1) highest importance
- Relationship with Other Organizations
- 7/16 respondents are somewhat satisfied with “the clergy and parish are involved in Diocesan programs”
- 7/15 ranked “the clergy serve on community assistance committees” at (4) the second to the lowest level of importance
- Stewardship
- 7/14 respondents are somewhat satisfied with “parish’s financial support of the diocese and other outreaches
- 6/12 respondents rank “A 10% tithe is considered the basis of financial giving” at (5) the lowest level of importan
Section 5: The Importance of the Ministry of Our Parish | ||||||||||||||||||
From the Voyle survey done by the congregants of St. John the Evangelist, Barrytown | ||||||||||||||||||
Number of respondents who circled their level of satisfaction with our current ministry are listed below: | ||||||||||||||||||
Numbers in red had the most responses | Not Satisfied | Barely Satisfied | Somewhat Satisfied | Very Satisfied | Extremely Satisfied | |||||||||||||
1 | Sunday Service | 0 | 1 | 2 | 13 | 10 | ||||||||||||
2 | Preaching | 0 | 0 | 3 | 8 | 16 | ||||||||||||
3 | Sunday Liturgy | 0 | 0 | 3 | 11 | 12 | ||||||||||||
4 | Fellowship | 0 | 1 | 8 | 10 | 6 | ||||||||||||
5 | Christian Education | 2 | 2 | 10 | 5 | 5 | ||||||||||||
6 | Pastoral Care | 1 | 4 | 6 | 9 | 3 | ||||||||||||
7 | Parish Administration | 2 | 5 | 9 | 3 | 2 | ||||||||||||
8 | Outreach | 0 | 7 | 9 | 4 | 2 | ||||||||||||
9 | Outreach to Special Age Groups | 1 | 8 | 8 | 2 | 1 | ||||||||||||
10 | Spiritual Development | 1 | 1 | 9 | 3 | 8 | ||||||||||||
11 | Evangelism | 1 | 1 | 8 | 1 | 10 | ||||||||||||
12 | Relationships with other Organizations | 0 | 1 | 12 | 7 | 3 | ||||||||||||
13 | Stewardship | 1 | 7 | 4 | 6 | 3 | ||||||||||||
Section 6: Attitudes Toward Social Issues | ||||||||||||||||||
From the Voyle survey done by the congregants of St. John the Evangelist, Barrytown | ||||||||||||||||||
Number of respondents who circled a particular strength of preference are listed below: | ||||||||||||||||||
Numbers in red had the most responses | Strongly Disagree | Disagree | Undecided | Agree | Strongly Agree | |||||||||||||
1 | I would support a social action ministry as the main thrust of our parish. | 9 | 11 | 7 | 2 | 1 | ||||||||||||
2 | I would support an evangelical ministry as the main thrust of our parish. | 16 | 5 | 2 | 4 | 1 | ||||||||||||
3 | I would support our parish having a ministry to those who have AIDS. | 2 | 5 | 5 | 10 | 5 | ||||||||||||
4 | We should try to return to the church of the “good old days”. | 11 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 2 | ||||||||||||
5 | The Church should be active concerning social/public issues. | 1 | 5 | 5 | 11 | 5 | ||||||||||||
6 | I would support a woman as Rector of our parish. | 2 | 1 | 3 | 4 | 18 | ||||||||||||
7 | I would support a woman as an Associate Rector of our parish. | 1 | 0 | 2 | 6 | 18 | ||||||||||||
8 | I would support the development of an inclusive language prayerbook. | 6 | 3 | 8 | 3 | 4 | ||||||||||||
9 | I support the blessing of same-sex unions. | 2 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 17 | ||||||||||||
10 | I am supportive of our diocese’s social and theological policies. | 0 | 2 | 3 | 15 | 6 | ||||||||||||
Section 7: Characteristics of a Good Rector | ||||||||||||||||||
From the Voyle survey done by the congregants of St. John the Evangelist, Barrytown | ||||||||||||||||||
Number of respondents who circled a particular strength of preference are listed below: | ||||||||||||||||||
Numbers in red had the most responses | Tends Very Strongly | Definitely Tends | Some-what Tends | Some-what Tends | Definitely Tends | Tends Very Strongly | In social functions, sparks occasion and gets everyone to participate | |||||||||||
Helps people to figure things out for themselves | 6 | 1 | 9 | 5 | 1 | 0 | Advises people what to do | |||||||||||
Usually lets people know where one stands | 2 | 1 | 6 | 9 | 5 | 0 | Usually keeps one’s opinions to oneself | |||||||||||
In a conflict situation usually advocates one side | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 9 | 6 | In a conflict situation usually seeks consensus | |||||||||||
Does own organizing | 0 | 3 | 2 | 8 | 5 | 3 | Gets others to organize | |||||||||||
Generates ideas | 1 | 9 | 3 | 5 | 3 | 3 | Adapts ideas | |||||||||||
Relies on direction from superiors | 0 | 1 | 2 | 6 | 7 | 9 | Relies on strong personal sense of direction | |||||||||||
In enabling change, makes use of conflict and confrontation | 2 | 0 | 2 | 5 | 6 | 7 | In bringing about change, avoids conflict and confrontation | |||||||||||
Encourages subordinates to take initiative | 4 | 7 | 8 | 3 | 1 | 1 | Gives strong directions to subordinates | |||||||||||
Willingly tries non-traditional approaches | 1 | 4 | 8 | 4 | 4 | 3 | Prefers improving traditional ways | |||||||||||
Places little emphasis on National and World mission | 1 | 3 | 4 | 11 | 5 | 2 | Places much emphasis on National and World mission | |||||||||||
Is skilled in many things | 1 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 3 | 3 | Does a few things rely well | |||||||||||
Has plans for situations that may arise | 0 | 4 | 8 | 4 | 3 | 7 | Meets each situation as it arises | |||||||||||
Focuses on working with groups | 1 | 2 | 11 | 7 | 2 | 2 | Focuses on working with individuals | |||||||||||
Welcomes criticism and adverse opinions | 7 | 7 | 8 | 2 | 0 | 0 | Defends self against criticism and adverse opinions | |||||||||||
Drives hard to achieve objectives | 0 | 1 | 4 | 10 | 6 | 3 | Places feelings of others ahead of goal achievement | |||||||||||
Tends to accept denominational programming | 2 | 2 | 9 | 7 | 8 | 0 | Tends to reject denominational programming | |||||||||||
Is often a leader in community affairs | 4 | 1 | 9 | 5 | 3 | 1 | Is seldom a leader in community affairs | |||||||||||
Speaks out on controversial issues affecting the community | 2 | 3 | 4 | 8 | 3 | 3 | Feels it is not the pastor’s role to speak out on controversial issues | |||||||||||
Engages in community action mainly through congregation | 1 | 4 | 10 | 4 | 4 | 2 | Engages in community action mainly through non-church channels | |||||||||||
Theological views are fairly stabilized | 3 | 8 | 10 | 2 | 3 | 0 | Theological views are significantly changing | |||||||||||
Regards the Bible literally | 1 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 6 | 16 | Regards Bible as an interpretation of God’s dealing with humanity | |||||||||||
Feels ethical decisions must be based on absolute standards | 1 | 1 | 3 | 5 | 8 | 7 | Feels ethical decisions must be made in the light of circumstances | |||||||||||
Usually emphasizes a Biblical text | 3 | 5 | 8 | 5 | 3 | 3 | Usually emphasizes a social context | |||||||||||
Has an informal, conversational delivery | 5 | 3 | 9 | 4 | 2 | 1 | Has a formal, authoritative delivery | |||||||||||
Tends to be provoking and challenging | 2 | 2 | 6 | 9 | 3 | 4 | Tends to be comforting and assuring | |||||||||||
Usually refers to contemporary writers as source of ideas | 2 | 3 | 2 | 5 | 1 | 2 | Rarely refers to contemporary writers as source of ideas | |||||||||||
Strictly adheres to order of service | 7 | 2 | 0 | 5 | 1 | 0 | Freely adapts order of service | |||||||||||
Visits members and prospects primarily to give pastoral care | 6 | 4 | 8 | 7 | 1 | 0 | Visits members and prospects primarily to build a stronger church | |||||||||||
Visits only when the need arises | 4 | 8 | 7 | 4 | 0 | 2 | Plans regular family visits | |||||||||||